"This phrase Gazing Heart came to me through another poet, Seumas Heaney. Knowing I was an artist, Seumas wrote this inscription to me in a copy of his book ‘Sweeney Astray - ‘To Mary Morrison and her ‘gazing heart’ which in turn led me to the source work by W.B. Yeats.
I treasure this inscription and have considered the phrase ‘the gazing heart’ for many years. It has particularly resonated with me in this last year, with major life shifts and losses which have made me reflect more deeply on the process of making work as an artist. I interpret this beautiful phrase in different ways, but in relation to my work it is about an intensity of gaze that goes beyond the merely optical or physical. It is about the inner gaze and recognising the direction our heart is gazing in and how what we love, what matters to us, will determine who we are. "