Unfixing, &Gallery
Unfixing, &Gallery
Untitled | Canvas ii, detail shot
Frances PriestBetweenHandbuilt black clay, inscribed line, relief surface and vitreous slip
Diptych48 x 40 x 5 cm£ 4,800.00 -
Frances PriestUntitled | Canvas iiHandbuilt black clay, inscribed line, relief surface and vitreous slip
Diptych48 x 40 x 5 cm£ 4,800.00 -
Frances PriestUntitled | Canvas iHandbuilt black clay, inscribed line, relief surface and vitreous slip
Diptych48 x 40 x 5 cm£ 4,800.00 -
Frances PriestUntitled | Canvas ivHandbuilt black clay, inscribed line, relief surface and vitreous slip
Diptych48 x 40 x 5 cm£ 4,800.00
Frances Priest, Flow series, &Gallery
Unfixing, &Gallery
Frances PriestOverlay iHand-carved black clay, inscribed line, vitreous slip23 x 26 x 5 cm
Frances PriestOverlay iiHand-carved black clay, inscribed line, vitreous slip27 x 27 x 5 cm
Frances PriestOverlay iiiHand-carved black clay, inscribed line, vitreous slip28 x 17 x 5 cm
Frances PriestOverlay ivHand-carved black clay, inscribed line, vitreous slip30 x 30 x 5 cm
Unfixing, &Gallery
Ashley Thorpe has written an essay to accompany Frances’ exhibition, which can be found here.