Equinox, oil and mixed media on panel, 30 x 30 cm
"Some Gaelic words relate to concepts which I find useful to consider. Brìgh /br-EEh/ is a Gaelic word which has various meanings including: essence, meaning, sense, significance and energy. ‘The word brìgh is often used when talking about songs and other works of art, and tells us something about the Gaelic aesthetic, in which meaning is the most important thing, rather than how beautiful something is.’ [i]"
[i] Rhona Dougall, Feàrna.org/Concepts – Decolonising, understanding and connecting with Gaelic Culture and Heritage in the Highlands & Islands
Chan Eil Ann Cho Seòlta ris an Fhoghar
Chan eil ann cho seòlta ris an fhoghar
‘s am fonn air abachadh
gus teud thoirt beò anns a’ cholainn
fathann air an t-slighe dhìomhair
infhios air a’ cheol a cheangleas
bith is bithbhuantachd
Nothing is as cunning as the autumn
the land tuned to ripeness
to activate a string in the body
a resonance of the hidden journey
an inkling of the music that relates
being and eternity
Donald MacAulay (Translation by the poet)
Opening Hours
Tuesday to Friday: 10am to 5pm
Saturday 10am to 4pm
& by appointment
The gallery closes during exhibition installation days and whilst we attend art fairs, please check our programme in advance.
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