Bronwen Sleigh

Bronwen Sleigh is a visual artist who works in printmaking, drawing and sculpture, taking inspiration from manmade structures set within a wide variety of landscapes.

Sleigh’s work asks questions about the built environment. Through drawing, she investigates attitudes to space as expressed through architecture and its relationship to the landscape. Process is integral to her practice - her drawings and sculptures inform each other, moving from 2D to 3D and back again. The labour intensive multiple processes of making bring abstraction to the original subject. Her work explores space rather than describing it, challenging perceptions of the ordinary by presenting it in an unfamiliar way.


Born in 1980 and raised in Mid-Wales, Bronwen Sleigh received her BA from the Glasgow School of Art and MA from the Royal College of Art, where she was selected for a six week exchange to The University of Calgary, Canada.  She has worked for The Royal College of Art, The Royal Academy Schools as a Print Fellow and at Edinburgh Printmakers as their etching technician and collaborating printer. She has exhibited widely both in the UK and overseas, as well as attending several artists residencies including at The Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, Canada and Cove Park, Scotland. Her work is held in numerous collections around the world. Sleigh lives and works in the Highlands.