The exhibition will feature a selection of works by our gallery artists, including large and small scale paintings, prints, sculptures and ceramics. With the addition of some new artists to the gallery roster in 2024, this group exhibition is one not to be missed!
Related artists
Rebecca Appleby
Joy Arden
Jonathan Barber
Michelle Benoit
Andrew Clausen
Michael Craik
Eric Cruikshank
Joan Doerr
Hanna ten Doornkaat
Stephan Ehrenhofer
Susan Laughton
Karine Léger
Elfyn Lewis
Jai Llewellyn
James Lumsden
Andrew Mackenzie
David Mankin
Ivan De Menis
Emily Moore
Mary Morrison
Richard Perry
Frances Priest
David Quinn
Lorraine Robson
Anke Roder
Laura Jane Scott
Bronwen Sleigh
Anna Somerville
Adam Taylor
Molly Thomson
JFK Turner
Derek Wilson